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The Diamond Bar Woman’s Club is a service organization. Our members work to make the world a better place through volunteerism and fundraising to support many community projects. To apply for our scholarship, you do not need to be an “A” student, nor plan to attend a 4-year college. Your autobiography, honors, and activities will weigh heavily in our decision-making process. In past years we have honored students in various areas including academics, art, music, and service.


Application can be submitted by applying online or download to

send by via mail to: 


P.O. Box 4035 Diamond Bar, Ca. 91765


Applicants Must:

Enroll and attend 2025 Fall quarter/semester at a college; (2 or 4 year), a Music, Art College, Trade School, or Certificate Program. Proof of enrollment and attendance is required by December 1st. 


Applicants Must Be:

A  graduating high school senior from Diamond Bar HS or Diamond Ranch HS or any of their affiliates, with a desire to pursue post- secondary education.


Home schooled students may apply  (must be a graduating senior who resides in Diamond Bar). 


Applicants Must Have:

Maintained a cumulative G.P.A. of 2.5 in high school.


Upon Proof:

Of enrollment and attendance, a check will be sent to the College/School on your behalf. 


Only completed applications submitted or postmarked by the deadline will be accepted. 




April  11, 2025


Diamond Bar Womans Scholarship Flyer V3.png
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Diamond Bar Woman’s Club 2025 Scholarship Application
$1,000 Award

Apply Here

Must complete and submit or restart application process.

Check the school you will graduate from:

Autobiography * (One to two-pages, typed 12 Font) Tell us your personal story, such as:

  • An overview of yourself;  it should include the events that have inspired you and helped shape your life, likes/dislikes, situations, and people that have influenced you.

  • What are your educational/career goals? Why? 

Upload Autobiography Here

Membership and Organizations: Type over lettering below to fill in

Transcript *: Please upload your most current official High School Transcript

Upload Transcript File Here

Recommendations: One Letter from your school (i.e., Counselor, Principal or Teacher) and one letter from a community member (i.e., Church, Club or Employer) who supervised your experience. If letters are not available during the application upload thereafter please email to: Attention Scholarship Department. 

Upload school Counselor/Principal/Teacher Letter
Upload community member Church/Club/Employer Letter

Photography Wavier: Photos will be taken during awards

presentation for publicity.

I give permission for my son/daughter to be photographed for use by the Diamond Bar Woman’s Club as related to this scholarship.

Signature: Please sign by using your curser, draw, or use your mouse

You have successfully submitted your application !

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©2022 by Diamond Bar Woman's Club -All Rights Reserved.

501c3 non-profit organization EIN #95-6195759

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