Article I - Name
This corporation shall be known as the Diamond Bar Woman’s Club.
Article II - Object
Section 1. The object of this corporation shall be to promote education, moral, civic and welfare projects, encourage cultural activities and to help provide for the welfare of the community.
Section 2. This shall be a non-profit, charitable 501(C) 3 corporation. Tax ID 95-6195759
Article III – Membership
Section 1. Membership in this organization shall not be limited to residents of Diamond Bar.
Section 2. Prospective members will be eligible for membership upon showing desire to be a member and upon presentation of application and dues to the Membership Chair. Prospective members cannot attend more than three (3) business meetings without showing intent to become a Member.
Section 3. Resignation must be submitted in writing to the Membership Chair 0before the close of the year in which dues are paid. The Executive Board may terminate the membership of any member when the Board deems it is in the interest of the club.
Section 4. A former member (absent for two years or more) requesting reinstatement shall be considered the same as a new member.
Section 5. It is the Members’ responsibility to remain in good standing. Responsibilities shall include the following: There shall be no sectarian or partisan political test for membership and no discrimination based on race, religion, creed, gender identity, disability or age. The Diamond Bar Woman’s Club shall not tolerate, either by practice or teaching, any violation of state or national laws, Club or Federation bylaws. Members shall pay full dues and be entitled to vote.
Section 6 If during their term of membership any Officer, Chair, or Member ceases to be a member in good standing or fails to perform the duties of the member’s office or membership responsibilities, member may be removed and if an officer a substitute appointed by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board.
Article IV - Dues
Section 1. Entrance fee for new members shall be $15.00 plus $40.00 annual membership dues. Membership dues are payable March 1st of each calendar year. Membership dues cannot be pro-rated.
Section 2. Dues are payable to the Treasurer in March and considered delinquent after April 1. A penalty of $5.00 will be assessed to members who are late.
Section 3. All transfers from other Woman’s Clubs require a letter of good standing from their former club. Upon presentation of the letter, the entrance fee will be waived.
Article V—Officers and their Duties
Section 1 The elected officers of this organization shall be: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer. Presidential appointees shall be the Parliamentarian, Collaborative Chairman and Corresponding Secretary. These Officers and appointees shall constitute the Executive Board. The additional appointive Chairs shall be the Reservation Chair. A bond may be required of these officers and chairs in such sum as the Executive Board may elect, which bond shall be paid by the Club.
Section 2 To qualify as President, the member must have served on Executive Board for at least 1 year.
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and Executive Board; appoint all special committees except the Nominating Committee and Elections Committee. Before installation, the President-Elect shall appoint the Parliamentarian and all other chairs and call a meeting of the newly elected officers to ratify those appointments. The President shall attend district meetings along with the First Vice President. The President shall sign all contracts ordered by the Executive Board.
Section 3 In the absence of the President the First Vice President shall perform the duties of the President. The member shall be an alternate co-signer with the President or Treasurer. The member shall attend District Meetings with the President. The member shall be Dean of Chairs, complete and turn in all Chairs’ reports to the District.
Section 4 The Second Vice President shall be the Membership Chair. The member shall have charge of all applications for membership in the club. The member shall notify all new members of their acceptance and be responsible for each new member reading the By-laws of the club. The member shall be in charge of the membership list and keep a list of all Charter Members.
Section 5 The Third Vice President shall be the Chair of the Ways and Means committee. The duties shall be to raise funds for operating the club by means such as auctions, drawings, functions or other means agreed upon by the club.
Section 6 The Recording Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the club and Executive Board. The member shall send a copy of the minutes of the general meeting to the Newsletter Chair by newsletter deadline each month.
Section 7 The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence of the club and yearbook.
Section 8 The Treasurer shall be in charge of incoming monies and present all expenditures to the membership for a vote prior to payment. Expenses paid during the period between the previous month’s meeting and the current month must be in the hands of the Treasurer before the General meeting or they will have to wait until next month for reimbursement. The member shall collect dues and send delinquent notices to members when necessary. The member shall prepare and submit all IRS, FTB and SOS, etc reports. The member shall submit a report at each monthly meeting of financial records to be audited.
Section 9 The Parliamentarian shall give advice on Parliamentary Law and Procedure when necessary. The Parliamentarian shall call the first meeting of the Nominating Committee and preside until a Chair is elected. The Parliamentarian shall be Chair of the By-Law Committee. Proposed amendments to the By-Laws shall be presented to the Executive Board for discussion, before being brought to the General Membership at the February meeting.
Article VI—Executive Board and Duties
Section1 The Executive Board shall consist of the Elected Officers, Corresponding Secretary, Collaborative Chairman and Parliamentarian.
Section 2 Department Chair and other Chairs may attend Board Meetings at the request of the President. Club members may attend by prior arrangement with the President.
Section 3 The Executive Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Club between regular business meetings, and be allowed to pay bills. Expenditures that occur and must be paid, during summer months, when the club is dark, shall be approved by the membership at the June meeting or shall wait until the September meeting.
Section 4 The Executive Board shall fill vacancies in office for the unexpired term.
Section 5 Absence of members from two consecutive meetings of the Executive Board without reasonable excuse shall constitute voluntary resignation.
Section 6 The term of office for all Board members and Chairs shall be two years. Should a Board Member leave early, a successor shall be appointed.
No board member shall serve in the same office more than two consecutive terms.
Article VII—Meetings
Section 1 Unless otherwise ordered by the Club or by the Executive Board, regular meetings shall be held on the third Wednesday of each month from September through June (dark July and August) at 10:00am.
Section 2 The Executive Board Members may change the time and place of the meetings.
Section 3 Ten of the voting membership shall constitute a quorum at the regular meeting. One-half of Executive Board members shall constitute a quorum at Executive Board meetings.
Section 4 A Club Member’s vote will be valid if taken in person, by U.S. Mail, telephone, email, and or via teleconferencing platforms such as Zoom.
Section 5 The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the President. The meeting(s) may be virtual.
Section 6 The President may elect to have virtual meeting(s).
Section 7 The Committee Chair may elect to conduct Committee business virtually.
Article VIII—Nominations and Elections
Section 1 A Nominating Committee consisting of five (5) members shall be selected by January; two (2) members to be elected from and by the Executive Board and three (3) members to be selected from and by the membership. A member of the Nominating Committee shall be an active member having attended a majority of the yearly meetings.
Two alternates shall be selected to serve on the Nomination Committee if a member is unable to attend.
Parliamentarian will notify alternates if their presence is required.
No member shall serve on the Nominating Committee for two (2) consecutive years. The Nominating Committee, at the February meeting, shall read the slate to the members. In case a full slate is not secured, it shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to continue to work to fill the slate. The Nomination Committee shall work diligently to complete the ticket.
This Committee shall secure the consent of qualified nominees prior to presentation of their names to the membership.
Section 2 Election of officers shall be at the March meeting. Additional nominations maybe made from the floor at this time after having previously secured consent from the nominee.
Section 3 When there are two or more candidates for an office, the election shall be by ballot and a majority vote of the members in attendance shall elect.
Section 4 The Parliamentarian shall appoint a Tellers Committee of three (3). The Tellers may not be on the Executive Board and may not be on the nominating Committee.
Section 5 If there is but one candidate for an office, the Club may dispense with the ballot by unanimous consent and the election shall be by acclamation.
Section 6 Officers elected in March shall take office on June 1.
Article IX—Standing Committees
Section 1 The Budget Committee shall consist of the following incoming and outgoing President, First Vice President, Third Vice President-Ways and Means, Treasurer and Budget and Finance Chair.
Section 2 The Treasurer shall submit all the books and vouchers and see that all monies received are properly accounted for within the budget and submit to an outside audit. The member shall render a written report at least once a year following review of the books.
Article X—Charter
Charter Membership was closed at the January 15, 1964 meeting and cannot be reopened.
Article XI—Dissolution
The property of this corporation is irrevocably dedicated to charitable purpose and no part of the net income or assets of this corporation shall ever inure to the benefit of any director, officer, or member thereof or to the benefit of any private person. Upon the dissolution of the corporation, its assets remaining after payment, or provision for payment, of all debts and liabilities of this corporation, shall be distributed to a non-profit fund, a foundation or corporation organized and operated exclusively for charitable purpose and has established its tax exempt status under Section 501C (3) of the Internal Revenue Service.
Article XII—Amendment
The by-Laws maybe amended after reading at two consecutive meetings. A two-thirds (2/3) vote is required to pass amendments.
Parliamentary Guide—ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER, Current Addition shall be the guide in all matters not in conflict with these By-Laws Revised 03/16/2022
Standing Rules
1. Second Vice President, Membership Chair shall arrange informal membership gatherings throughout the year for prospective members.
2. The election of Club Woman of the Year shall be the responsibility of the past year’s recipient and a committee of two and shall be voted on by the membership 30 days before the due date.
3. All members are expected to serve on at least one committee, support a major community service project and support the club’s major fundraising project for the club year.
4. Upon the death of a club member’s husband or child, a memorial contribution will be made in the amount of $25.00.
5. The President shall receive a sum of $20.00 for expenses per club month (10-months) and courtesy lunch.
6. One Hundred percent (100%) of all Ways and Means fundraising shall be deposited in the Club’s Checking Account and retained for the operation of the club.
7. All Community Service Projects shall be voted on by the membership and funds raised, if any, will be distributed as voted by the membership.
8. Honorary membership for one year will be granted to the Past President.
9. The fiscal year shall be June 1 to May 31.
10. No member shall use the Club’s name for personal gain or enterprise.
11. The Reservation Chair shall be responsible for reservations for all club luncheons and District functions. Each officer and chair shall keep a detailed procedure book, which shall remain club property, to be passed on to the successor. Procedure books shall list all duties and any other pertinent information and a copy of a preceding year's report to District.
12. An Honorary Life Membership in the Diamond Bar Woman’s Club maybe presented to a member for outstanding service to the Club and Community. The member shall pay half (1/2) annual dues in order to be a voting member. This is not an annual award.
13. Scholarships, to be known as the Diamond Bar Woman’s Club Scholarships, shall be awarded annually. The recipients will be honored at the May meeting.
14. There will be an annual Social Meeting with our Sister Club, the Federated East Valley Woman’s Club.
15. The Diamond Bar Woman’s Club Treasurer shall purchase a Past President’s Pin for the retiring President, which shall be presented to the Past Presidential the Installation Ceremony. The newly installed President shall receive the President’s pin previously worn by the retiring President.
16. In order to be eligible for an elected office, a member shall have served on (1) year on a committee.
17. Program Chair shall be in charge of all programs during the year.
18. The Hospitality Chair and the committee of three (3) shall be responsible for all decorations and should be at the door to greet all guests and make them welcome.
19. The Amenities Chairm shall consult with the President well in advance of all meetings. The member shall arrive early and verify that the room is in order, arrange corsages, gifts, place cards and provide new member follow up. Hospitality and Amenities may be (one) chair at the discretion of the President.
20. Publicity Chair shall be responsible for all publicity concerning the Club’s activities.
21. The Club bulletin Chair shall compile and have published a Club Bulletin each month of the Club year and send the bulletin to all members in good standing. All material shall be in the hands of the Bulletin Chair no later than the first Wednesday of each Club month.
22. The Sunshine Chair shall be in charge of the Prayer Chain and provide help for members as needed.
23. The Standing Rules maybe amended at any General Meeting by two-thirds (2/3) vote.
24. Any payments made to the DBWC passed on to any other organization or business will abide by that organization’s refund policy. Revised October 28, 2014.
25. Between regular business meetings, Officers and/or committees shall be allowed to pay bills not to exceed $150.00 without a vote by the membership.
26. All proposals for new projects must be submitted in writing to the Diamond Bar Woman’s Club—(DBWC). No solicitation shall be done by members unless approved as a club project. The Board will determine if the proposed project meets the club’s general plan. A vote of the membership will be taken before the support will be given. Once approved the project plan must be updated annually.
27. The Club often photographs and/videotapes, programs for use in support of the Club. By being present during these activities, you consent to the use of your appearance or likeness by the Diamond Bar Woman’s Club, and its licensees, designee, or assignees in all media, worldwide in perpetuity. To ensure the privacy of any members, images will not be identified using names or personal identifying information without written approval from the member. Images or identifying information of children will not be posted without the written approval of the parent or legal guardian.
For any Club activities that a member chooses to participate in, the member agrees to waive any claim or cause of action for injury or damages(s) against the Club, its Officers, or the person(s) conducting the Club’s activity or event.
At any given time a members can choose to step outside the area that is being photographed. A common courtesy of acknowledgement will be extended to all members and visitors prior to any photographs taken.
28. When debating a motion on the floor each member may speak twice and each opportunity to speak shall be for no more than two minutes. Speakers shall be rotated between those speaking in support of a motion and those speaking against the motion. A member may speak for their second time only after all members have been given their opportunity to speak for their first time. The total debate time on any one issue shall be no more than 20 minutes.
Revised 9/15/2021